The Nominating Committee is officially accepting nominations for 3 open seats of the Presque Isle Harbor Association Board of Directors. Any member in good standing (your annual Dues must be current) is eligible to submit themselves to be on the ballot. We appreciate your desire to help make our community the best that it can be by promoting and working to maintain an exceptional lifestyle that may be shared and enjoyed by all our members.
We direct your attention to Rules 22, 26 and 27 of the Association’s Rules and Policies which govern the nominating process and expectations of Board directors, and the Association’s By-Laws Article VI (Election of Directors) Section 5 which govern the election of Directors,
The Rules and Policies document is available on our website:
To apply: Complete the Candidate Application Form that is available on the website and submit the form and your Bio via email to Executive Director Tim Supinger at Completed forms may also be given to any board member; turned in at the Clubhouse at 6424 Kauffman Rd. in Presque Isle; or mailed to Executive Director Tim Supinger, PIHA, PO Box 60, Presque Isle, MI 49777. There are Candidate Application Forms available at the Clubhouse.
The deadline for submitting your Candidate Application Form and your Bio is April 1st, 2025.