For the purposes of determining whether a contiguous lot shall bear a reduced assessment.
A lot owner shall designate a principal lot, and up to 4 contiguous lots for which he seeks a reduced assessment, on a form approved by the Association.
A lot is contiguous to the principal lot if it adjoins either the principal lot or a lot which adjoins the principal lot, or is connected by a series of lots which extend from the principal lot to the subject lot in an unbroken fashion.
Two lots joined only by a common point shall not be contiguous.
Two lots shall not be contiguous if separated by a public road.
If a property owner receives a discount on one or more contiguous lots, no separate grouping of lots which contains a lot in which he has an ownership interest shall be eligible for the discount.
If a property owner receives a discount on one or more contiguous lots, no separate grouping of lots which contains a lot in which his spouse has an ownership interest shall be eligible for the discount.
If a property owner receives a discount on one or more contiguous lots, no separate grouping of lots which contains a lot in which his co-owner or co-owner’s spouse has an ownership interest shall be eligible for the discount.
If a property owner receives a discount on one or more contiguous lots, no separate grouping of lots which contains a lot in which a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, joint venture, trust, or other entity or collaboration has an ownership interest shall be eligible for the discount if the property owner, his spouse, a co-owner or a co-owner’s spouse has an ownership, membership, or present beneficial interest in the corporation, limited liability company, partnership, joint venture, trust, or other entity or collaboration.
If a property owner which is a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, joint venture, trust, or other entity or collaboration receives a discount on more or more contiguous lots, no separate grouping of lots which contains a lot in which an owner, member or present beneficiary, or a spouse of an owner, member or present beneficiary, of the corporation, limited liability company, partnership, joint venture, trust, or other entity or collaboration has an ownership interest shall be eligible for the discount. Further, if an owner, member, present beneficiary, or the spouse of any of them is ineligible to claim a discount, any corporation, limited liability corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other entity or collaboration in which the person or entity is an owner, member or present beneficiary shall also be ineligible to claim the discount.
Where a person, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, joint venture, trust, or other entity or collaboration would be disqualified from claiming a discount on a separate grouping of lots because of an interest which is of public record, that person, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, joint venture, trust, or other entity or collaboration shall also be disqualified if the interest is created by private contract, including an executory option or other arrangement.
It is the policy of the Association to allow discounts for a limited grouping of lots in order to form a residential compound (whether or not a permanent residence then exists), not to subsidize the holding of lots for investment or resale. Towards that end, the Association may deny discounts for additional lots to any affiliation of persons or entities whose primary interest is holding in excess of the four contiguous lots for investment or resale, even if not prohibited by one of the above rules.