Presque Isle Harbor Association

A Four Seasons Residential & Recreational Community

Presque Isle Harbor Association

A Four Seasons Residential & Recreational Community

Presque Isle Harbor Association

A Four Seasons Residential & Recreational Community

Recent News & Upcoming Events

Happy New Year, PIHA!

A few things to note as we move into 2025:

Water Invoices: Last quarter some members did not receive their water bills. The current bills have been sent out. Please call PIH Water Company at 570-488-5222 if you have not received an invoice or have questions.

Reminder: The monthly board meetings have been changed to the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6pm. Our next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, Jan 14 at 6pm.

There will be a Lake Esau and Grand Lake Special Assessment Town Hall Meeting at the PI Township Hall on January 16th, 2025, at 4pm to learn about the proposed lake level order updates and the long-term plan for the lakes. This affects all of PIHA. Please plan to attend. You can get more information at or call the township at 989-595-2752.

Event Correction: The Saturday, Feb 22 Soup Cook-off and Cornhole Tournament Event is coordinated with the Grand Lake Sportsmen Club, not the PI Sportsmen Club as previously reported.

Board Meeting Day/Time Change

Effective immediately, the regular PIHA Board of Directors meetings have been changed from the 2nd Thursday of every month at 7PM to the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6PM.

Our Board meeting schedule for the balance of this fiscal year will be as follows:

Tuesday, January 14 @ 6PM
Tuesday, February 11 @ 6PM
Tuesday, March 11 @ 6PM
Tuesday, April 8 @ 6PM
Tuesday, May 13 @ 6PM
Tuesday, June 10 @ 6PM

PIHA Welcomes our New Executive Director

Tim Supinger has officially started in his new role as Executive Director of PIHA.

His open office hours will be: Mon-Fri 9AM-11AM.

Tim can also be reached at

PIHA News Update – December 2024

Somehow the holidays are already upon us and the end is near for 2024!  Time seems to be flying…….


The Santa Breakfast was a huge success with over 50 children participating! Santa was there, pancakes and sausages were served. For the kids, there were games, four crafts, cookie decorating and Storytime. New this year was a Santa Workshop! Children were given 2 tickets to choose gifts for their parents/guardians. Their ‘purchase’ was gift wrapped by volunteers. The kids loved it! We need to acknowledge all the volunteers that made this possible – Terry, Jan, Sharon Leigh Ann, Dorothy, Mary, Joni, Wendy, Mike, Sue, Marilyn, Tammy, Don, Larry, Nick, Mary, Emily, David and Vickie. You are all awesome, thanks for giving your time and talents!  We also want to thank everyone that donated items to the Santa Workshop. Items left over will be saved for next year.


Our new Executive Director, Tim Supinger, is on site and ready to go! His open office hours will be Monday – Friday 9AM – 11AM. You can also reach him at  or 989-595-2411.


The Holiday Hours for the clubhouse will be:

Wednesday, Dec 18 –  Clubhouse closed from 12pm – 2pm for staff holiday lunch

Christmas Eve – Clubhouse hours  8am – 3pm

Christmas Day – Closed

New Years Day – Closed


The monthly Board of Directors meetings have been changed beginning January 2025.  Monthly meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday at 6pm. The scheduled meetings for the balance of this fiscal year will be:

Tuesday, Jan 14 at 6pm                           Tuesday, Apr 8 at 6pm

Tuesday, Feb 11 at 6pm                           Tuesday, May 13 at 6pm

Tuesday, Mar 11 at 6pm                           Tuesday, Jun 10 at 6pm


There will be a Lake Esau and Grand Lake Special Assessment Town Hall Meeting at the PI Township Hall on January 16th, 2025, at 4pm to learn about the proposed lake level order updates and the long-term plan for the lakes. This  affects all of PIHA. Please plan to attend. You can get more information at https// or call the township at 989-595-2752.


Repairs of the clubhouse HVAC system and roofing are moving along, an agreement will be finalized in the next few weeks to get this work completed. Further negotiations are in progress for the completion of the replacement of the damaged siding and exterior trim.


There will be 3 open positions on the Board beginning in July 2025. All interested candidates need to submit their biographies by April 15 to the nominating committee. Please start to consider to run for one of these open positions. More information will be available in our January News Update.


Saturday, Jan 11  There will be a trail worker bee to create a trail connector between Trails #1 and #2 starting at 10am at the Campers Pavilion, which will be a staging area. A snack will be available at the Pavilion after the trail work.         

Sunday, Jan 12   1PM Senior Dinner at clubhouse. The signup sheet is on the bulletin board in the clubhouse. Pre-sign up is required.

Tuesday, Jan 14  5PM Moon Walk/Hike. Chili will be provided by the Natural Resources Committee prior to the walk. The walk should begin around 5:30. Moon Rise is  around 6:05pm. Watch our website or Facebook page for updated information.

Tuesday, Jan 14  6PM Board of Directors Monthly Meeting.

Saturday, Feb 8  2PM Valentine Day Crafts for Kids and Adults at the Clubhouse

Sunday, Feb 9  5:30PM Super Bowl Party. BYOB and a dish to share.

Wednesday or Thursday, Feb 12 or 13  Another Moon Walk is planned. Watch the webpage or Facebook for updated information.

Saturday, Feb 22 12PM Soup Cookoff and Cornhole Tournament. Event coordinated with the Grand Lake Sportsman’s Club. Watch the webpage or Facebook for updated information.

Architectural Control:

If you are doing any  construction (new construction or additions), please submit your plans to the Architectural Committee. The required form is available at the clubhouse or on our website under the ‘Owners’ tab and then choose ‘downloadable forms’

Make sure you follow our Facebook page or webpage at You will stay up to date on current events and issues happening in our area. Also, next time you are in the clubhouse, please ask the attendant to verify your email address to ensure you receive our current information.

Upcoming Committee Meetings

To view any upcoming PIHA committee meetings, please follow the tab located at the top of the website called “News and Events – Calendar of Events” (or click here) to view any scheduled committee meetings.

Notice: Emailed PIHA Invoices will be sent from:

Member Services (

Presque Isle Harbor Association

Give us a call or fill out our contact form if you have any questions.

  • Address

    6424 Kauffman Road, Presque Isle, MI 49777

  • Phone

    (989) 595-2411

  • Hours of Operation

    Monday  8:00AM-9:30PM
    Tuesday  8:00AM-9:30PM
    Wednesday  8:00AM-9:30PM
    Thursday  8:00AM-9:30PM
    Friday  8:00AM-9:30PM
    Saturday  8:00AM-9:30PM
    Sunday  8:00PM-9:30PM

    The Clubhouse is closed on Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and New Years Day.

    Please note that while it is open Christmas Eve Day and New Years Eve Day, hours may be limited depending on weather. Please check our website and Facebook page for updated hours on these days.

Contact Form

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